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The  Divine  Play


A world of beauty await you

As we smell the perfume of roses,
A symphony of remembrance we compose.
In a field of hopes and dreams,
We walk hand in hand to the Supreme.

Come for a moment of eternity,
A retreat of joy, where hearts are set free,
In a cosmic play, where love is the divine key.

For those who seek the truth within,
To dance with stars, let the journey begin.

Embrace the universe, a joyous flow,
Where spontaneity and bliss do grow.

Unveil your soul, your highest form,
In sacred ceremony, the heart reborn.

Rise in your potential, body and mind,
With open hearts, true paths aligned.

A life of purpose, passion, and meaning,
In universal grace, we are weaving.

Abundance flows, dreams take flight,
In Krishna’s Lila, we find our light.

Join us and rejoice in the experience of life.

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Krishna's lila is the divine play of Self-Realization,

joy, unconditional love and abundance.

 will you answer the call and join us?

Awaken and See Who You Are


This retreat is a celebration of the divine play, the Lila that is the essence of Krishna’s joy and love. It’s for those on a spiritual path who are ready to not only realize their true nature but to dance with the universe in a joyous embrace of life. Here, we honor the spirit of play, the spontaneity of the heart, and the bliss of being alive. This retreat is for those who wish to experience and share unconditional love, profound joy, and a deep connection to their higher selves, ready to rise into their highest potential with a healthier body, a clearer mind, and an open heart. It’s for those who seek to live a life aligned with their purpose, filled with passion, and the divine dance, manifesting abundance and weaving dreams into reality.

In this vibrant journey, you will be guided through the sacred path of Yatra Yoga, a methodology that not only harmonizes the body and mind but also opens the gateway to the cosmic consciousness. With meditation, breath mastery, and mantra, you’ll flow into a mystical ceremony of the ancient elixir of Soma Amrita—a divine invitation to embrace the playfulness of the spirit and embark on a life-changing experience that will awaken you to your soul.

Set in the heart of nature’s beauty, this retreat offers a sacred space where love and joy are the guiding forces. Our approach is not just about practicing yoga postures; it’s a celebration of life itself, a holistic journey where mind, body, and spirit come together in the dance of divine mysteries. Through daily yoga sessions, meditation, and playful practices, you’ll cultivate a deep sense of self-realization, joy, and compassion.

This retreat is a celebration of community, where the essence of Krishna’s Lila infuses every interaction. Friendships bloom, laughter flows freely, and bonds are forged that can last a lifetime. Our retreat is a sanctuary where you’ll connect with kindred spirits, share stories, and create memories that will fill your heart with delight.

Drawing from the wisdom of ancient yoga philosophy, we infuse our teachings with stories, devotion, and the playful nature of existence. 

As you immerse yourself in this journey, you’ll witness your inner world blossoming, revealing your true nature and unlimited potential. Krishna's lila is an invitation to let go, to dance with the unknown, and to experience the profound magic of love and joy in all its forms.

Join us on this enchanting retreat, where you’ll not only deepen your yoga practice but also experience the incredible power of play, love, and joy to heal, inspire, and transform your life.


It’s time to realize your Self, celebrate your soul, and join the divine dance, radiating your light throughout the universe.


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3 days of

This is a journey for your life to bloom in love, a pathway to self-realization and an awakening of your consciousness towards oneness and joyful existence.

Meet the Team

Our unique and amazing team for this journey is a dedicated group, united by a shared commitment to personal growth, consciousness expansion, collective well-being, and life changing experiences.

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Nectar of the Gods

Soma Amrita is the sacred nectar of immortality, a divine elixir that awakens the soul to its eternal essence, bringing profound realization and union with the infinite.

Once we know who we are, we can rejoice and share our true self with the world. 


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PLAYFUL LOVE. A unique approach to the spiritual journey, we infuse every moment with boundless, unconditional love. Our retreat and ceremonies are a joyous celebration of life, where laughter and lightness pave the path to enlightenment. They are ecstatic experience of transformation, life's perception and the knowledge of One Self.

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AUTHENTIC WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE: I will guide you on this journey with all my gifts. My teachings spring from a lifelong quest back to spirit and direct experience. The knowledge and space I offer come from many years of traveling around the world, learning, and sitting with masters from different cultures and backgrounds. The elixir I serve has been given to me after devoting my lives to this path, to Supreme consciousness, and for the benefit of all our relations.


WHOLENESS IN PRACTICE: In our sanctuary, we seamlessly bring together meditation, breathwork, yoga, mantra and embodied movement. This holistic approach nurtures body, mind, and soul, bringing you into harmonious alignment with your true nature and the Source. 


NATURE CONNECTION: Engage in practices and participate in rituals that deepen your connection with nature, opening gateways to the vast, untamed realms within and around you. Immerse yourself in the natural world, where the boundaries between the self and the earth dissolve, and the extraordinary harmony of life becomes your new reality.


COMMUNITY AND FRIENDSHIP: A community of fellow spiritual explorer coming together to uplift to a new level of consciousness, connect and share experience with. Like mind people from diverse background to explore question and insight and enjoy the journey with joy, support and love. 


Krishna's Yogic Path is an invitation to open your heart to the sacred pulse of life, to rejoice in the divine dance of creation. Rooted in the ancient scriptures of the Rig Veda, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Sutras of Patanjali, this path is a celebration of love, devotion, and the eternal beauty of existence.



The practice of Bhajan calls forth the soul’s yearning, as the heart sings its devotion to the divine through sacred hymns and chants. The voice becomes a bridge to the cosmos, vibrating with love and joy, awakening ancient memories of unity and oneness. In these hymns, we find the resonance of our own soul as it recalls its eternal connection to the universe, merging the present moment with the timeless dance of creation.

In our Bhajan, we commune with the sacred master plant of Ganja. Just as it has been revered by Yogis for generations, my father, White Eagle Feather, also worked with her, leading ceremonies in Quebec and Europe for over twenty years before his passing. I am deeply humbled and honored to continue this sacred service, guiding you towards awakening and openness to love. As we gather in a circle around the altar of our ancestors and allies, opening our voices to sing and play a symphony of devotion, we unite in vibration, creating a vortex of vibrant light that leads us to our true selves. Our melodies rise like incense, emitting frequencies of love and carrying heartfelt intentions and prayers to Spirit. We merge with cosmic grace, embracing the joy and surrender of sacred song for the Supreme. As we open our hearts and surrender to Her, She reveals the ancient teachings needed for our new world to emerge from the ashes of purification and the womb of the Great Mother of Creation. Transcending fear and doubt, we rise into our higher selves, experiencing bliss and deep connection with the Universe.


Soma Amrita

The Soma Amrita ceremony—a sacred communion with the divine nectar, the elixir of the gods, drawn from the timeless wellspring of creation. Through this ceremony, we taste the essence of transcendence, the sweet flow of consciousness that dissolves the boundaries between the earthly and the infinite. It is here, in the offering of Soma, that we experience the full alchemy of Self-Realization—a union of body, heart, mind, and spirit in the presence of the divine.

Soma is the elixir of non-death, the nectar of the Gods. It comes from the most ancient Yogic scripture, the Rig Veda, dating back around 5000 years. It has been lost and hidden for centuries, and we are now bringing it back to you. This complex medicine involves a three-day process in the making, extracting in a special way, the active ingredients of Cannabis and Psilocybin mushrooms, and infusing them together with rose petals, Indian spices, sacred milk, and other ingredients. This elixir unifies the four main kingdoms of planet Earth: the animal kingdom, the bacterial, the plant, and the fungi. As we drink it into our bodies, we come into communion with God's creation and the Nature of reality, receiving revelations about who we truly are and our purpose here. It is like no other medicine, as the master plant Cannabis, representing the feminine aspect of creation, is intertwined with the master fungi, representing the masculine aspect of this universe. This is where the Union of both polarities occurs, allowing the devoted to receive this alliance in the name of the supreme.

On this sacred journey, the practices of Dhyana, Pranayama, and Asana form anchor point, creating a vessel for the deeper, transformative experiences of Bhajan and the Soma Amrita ceremony. These practices align body, mind, and breath, opening the pathways for divine energy to flow freely. By integrating these practices, the path becomes holistic, allowing the seeker to fully embody the devotion of Bhajan and the cosmic connection found in Soma, bringing wholeness to the spiritual journey.



Dhyana invites the seeker into the stillness where the mind quiets, and the heart becomes a mirror to the infinite. Through the practice of meditation, we dive deep into the ocean of our being, finding clarity and peace in the silence, where the divine presence is felt in every breath, every pause.

The mental paradigm is in constant distraction, trying to figure out what is the next good move, the best action that one should take to become happier and more alive. The reality is that the mental aspect of the human experience is not able to answer those existential questions. The mind is a never-ending loop of ideas, fantasies, imagination, and problem solving; no clear truth is emerging from it. Once we sit in stillness, we agree to stop the infinite marathon of exhaustion and madness that we are trapped in. We become free from the addiction of thought and start focusing on breath. In doing so, we create space for life and for clear visions to appear in front of us. It is on the inside emptiness of the mind that revelation of our nature will be heard. It is in letting go that the dots will connect and meaning will come to us.



Pranayama is the mastery of breath, the sacred dance with the life force that flows through all things. With each inhale, we draw in the essence of life, and with each exhale, we release the weight of the world. Breath becomes the bridge between the earthly and the divine, aligning our spirit with the cosmic rhythm.

The breathing techniques of pranayama set this energy in motion and revitalize both body and mind. By consciously regulating our breath, we’re able to store more Prana (life energy) and draw on these energy reserves in our daily life. - dlshq Today, we know that most of our diseases are due to stress and inflammation. The practice of Pranayama relaxes our nervous system, which allows inflammations to decrease and disease to heal. When we are relaxed, our body functions more efficiently, vitamins are absorbed in a wider range, our muscles are less tense and more efficient, etc. With the continuous practice of Pranayama, we respond to our environment in a more peaceful and accurate way, no matter what comes our way. Pranayamas increases energy, vigour, vitality, longevity, and better health overall. It can open ourselves to a wider vision of reality, clear the resistance of our energy channels allowing a natural flow of life inside us. When properly done, it can create an inner vibration that shakes away toxicities and brings alignement and integrity into our journey. It is the first inhale of our coming on Earth and our last exhale when we depart to and from the matter.



Asana is the prayer of the body, a celebration of movement that honors the divine in every form. Through each posture, we connect to the earth below and the heavens above, allowing the body to become a vessel of grace, strength, and balance. It is through this physical practice that we anchor the divine into our being, integrating spirit and matter into one harmonious flow.

It offers a practice that transmutes suffering into joy, brings knowledge and inner peace. The correct practice of Asanas has a positive effect on the whole body. It enhance flexibility in muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments, while also stimulating circulation. Postures have a rejuvenating effect on the whole organism; when performed slowly and in awareness, the asanas give a sense of physical well-being. Asanas are focused on the health of the spine. The spine is the base of the central nervous system: the body’s communication system. The spine is a direct extension of the brain, so a healthy, straight spine promotes the health of the entire body. Keeping the spine strong and flexible through proper exercise stimulates blood circulation, ensures an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the nerves, and maintains a healthier body. Our Yoga Asanas come from the lineage and teachings of Sivananda Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasas. With time, our practice of Asanas creates an aligned and fluid structure for the body, heart, and mind. It allows us to build a strong foundation for the process of Self Realization. It is an essential part of our Yoga. Asanas is the body temple care and strengthening. It clears blockages in different energy centers and Nadis (channels) to give free way for the Kundalini, life force to rise in the whole being.

The Venue

Where you will be nested.

All our retreat ceremonies are held in beautiful space surrounded by nature. It is a primordial element for this journey as nature supports this process with grace and the love of the cosmic mother. We intentionally choose locations where you feel a great sense connexion, relaxation, beauty and wonder. 

Depending on the location, rooms are  shared with either 2 or 3 people or private. Sometime camping is also a possibility. 


All meals are vegetarian and made on site with love by a professional chef. 

We are born into this world and we come with extraordinary qualities, gifts, and a unique purpose to help others and create a life of beauty and abundance for all.

Self-Realization is a path to inner peace, fulfillment, and connection with the universe as we return to wholeness, inner knowing, and the experience of supreme consciousness in our lives.

It encompasses recognizing one's true nature and living in harmony with it, leading to a sense of unity, clarity, joy and authenticity.


Krishna's Lila Retreat is for :

  • Those who are ready to live a joyful life filled with wonder, expansion, and play.

  • Explorers who wants to journey with the elixir of Soma Amrita in an intentional environment with an experienced team of facilitators.

  • Individuals ready to realize their true nature and embrace their highest potential.

  • People seeking to align their lives with their purpose, filled with passion and authenticity.

  • Those on the path of Yoga who want to return to the Source of this tradition and spiritual endeavor.

  • Adventurers of consciousness, ready to delve into a unique and transcendent experience. 

  • Those looking to cultivate a healthier body, clearer mind, and open heart

  • Individuals who cherish spontaneity, bliss, and the celebration of life’s divine mysteries.

  • Participants who wish to manifest abundance and dissolve the boundaries between dreams and reality.

  • Beings who feels call for a sense of belonging, community and connection with other likeminded souls devoted to truth and walking the path of Self-Growth. 



A new horizon await

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 777$ ~ 888$ 

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